Maseches Eruvin Daf Sheva

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Eruvin 7

תורה לא בשמים היא

Rashi References the Gemara in Bava Metzia 59b

עמד רבי יהושע על רגליו ואמר (דברים ל, יב) לא בשמים היא מאי לא בשמים היא אמר רבי ירמיה שכבר נתנה תורה מהר סיני אין אנו משגיחין בבת קול שכבר כתבת בהר סיני בתורה (שמות כג, ב) אחרי רבים להטות אשכחיה רבי נתן לאליהו א"ל מאי עביד קוב"ה בההיא שעתא א"ל קא חייך ואמר נצחוני בני נצחוני בני

Rabbi Yehoshua stood on his feet and said: It is written: “It is not in heaven” (Deuteronomy 30:12). The Gemara asks: What is the relevance of the phrase “It is not in heaven” in this context? Rabbi Yirmeya says: Since the Torah was already given at Mount Sinai, we do not regard a Divine Voice, as You already wrote at Mount Sinai, in the Torah: “After a majority to incline” (Exodus 23:2). Since the majority of Rabbis disagreed with Rabbi Eliezer’s opinion, the halakha is not ruled in accordance with his opinion. The Gemara relates: Years after, Rabbi Natan encountered Elijah the prophet and said to him: What did the Holy One, Blessed be He, do at that time, when Rabbi Yehoshua issued his declaration? Elijah said to him: The Holy One, Blessed be He, smiled and said: My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.

First a Mass revelation to an entire people   (“Kuzari Principle” Kuzari Book 1:9-80, actually first articulated by Rav Saadia Gaon in Emunos V’Deos, Book 3:4-5), then the intellectual apprehension. This is similar to what we have been seeing earlier in Daf 4’s Shiur, that G-d respects human boundaries. So there is this one time revelation to everyone, and then it is followed by G-d stepping back and letting us process and decide from here. This is such a beautiful and wonderful concept both in parenting and in religion, which we probably do not give enough thought. The importance of a moment of guidance, literally Deus Ex Machina, and then leaving the rest for the person or society to work out and grow through.

see more about this theme tomorrow when we discuss Bas Kol. 

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Eruvin 7

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria

Photo Abba Mari Rav Chaim Feuerman, Ed.D. ZT"L Leiyluy Nishmaso

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool


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Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL is a psychotherapist who works with high conflict couples and families. He can be reached via email at