I quoted the Rambam in a prior blog posts about his rationalist approach, even to the extent that he blames the destruction of the Temple on the Jewish government's reliance on superstition such as Astrology instead of developing military strategy.  Some might say, "Well, that is the Rambam who was a rationalist, but other more mystical minded sages and tzadikkim would trust in Hashem more." 

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To this, I answer with a quote from the SHALA"H (Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz), a renowned and influential mystic and posek from the 16th Century.  His famous work, and his namesake, The Shenei Luchos HaBeris is an encyclopedic halakhic, mystical and ethical compendium that he composed as a guide for his children and descendants. In one section (Shaar Osiyos, os dalet, derech eretz) he discusses the importance of taking extreme precautions, including social isolation, during epidemics:

I am astounded and perplexed when it comes to smallpox, why do people not take their children and flee the city? Surely, the fathers will be held accountable for the deaths of their innocent children who are still young and nursing, who have committed no sin, and those who are weaned and have committed no immoralities, and died from the sickness. Every man who fears G-d should take steps to prevent catastrophe, G-d forbid. These things that are included in protecting the body and are the warnings of (Devarim 4:9) 'take utmost care and be very watchful of your soul' and this is also derech eretz (the natural order as willed by G-d) that we take care of the body, since it is the container for the soul and so it will be a throne for the soul."

I believe that says it all!

(Photo credit: viktor forgacs)





Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool


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Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL is a psychotherapist who works with high conflict couples and families. He can be reached via email at simchafeuerman@gmail.com