Webinars - NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
Showing Results 81 - 108 (108 total)


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These are professional trainings. Please connect with yours and/or your client’s hallachic guide to allow for your and your client’s cultural and religious needs.
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Ethical Considerations of Self-Determination in Medical Settings
Presenter: Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Witness? Expert? Party to a Proceeding? Clinical and Ethical Implications of Legal System Involvement
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Mental & Behavioral Health Professionals as Change Agents: Clinical & Ethical Realities of Policy Advocacy
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Maintaining Appropriate Professional Boundaries: Exploring Ethical Obligations of Mental Health Professionals
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Children or Family First: Navigating the Ethical Conflict of Child Protection vs. Parental Rights
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Ethics, Self Disclosure and Dual Relationships
Presenter: Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Cost: $99.99
Ethical Consultation: Can We Provide All Things to All Clients? Should We?
Presenter: Alan M. Singer, PhD, LMSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Tags: Ethics
Cost For Member: $29.99
Cost: $39.99
Navigating The Challenging Road of Ethical Dilemmas in Mental Health
Presenter: Alesha Perkins, LCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: Ethics
Cost: $59.99
The Quiet Storm: The Kallos Model Marginalization of Black Boys in STEM & Ethics (Recorded)
Presenter: Dr. Esonija' Fulgham, Ph.D., LCSW-C, LCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Self-Disclosure in Practice and Ethics...What Can Go Right?
Presenter: Moshe Norman, LCSW SIFI
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost For Member: $39.99
Cost: $59.99
The Ethical Application of Life Coaching for Clinicians (3 CE credits; Ethics)
Presenter: Michell Stanley, LICSW, RYT, CLC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: Ethics
Cost: $59.99
Exploring Ethical Obligations: Boundaries, Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting
Presenter: Kathryn Krase
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: DC Public Health Priorities
Cost: $59.99
Digital Ethics: Technology in the workplace - 3 CE Credits
Presenter: Sherrie L. Ludwick, LCPC, NCC, SEP
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Telehealth: Ethical Implications for Sustaining and Thriving in Virtual Clinical Practice (3 CE Credits - Ethics)
Presenter: Kim Cook, LCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Ethics and Authenticity in Play Therapy: Using Self Disclosure as a tool (3 CE credits, Ethics, Recorded)
Presenter: Christina Scott
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Telehealth Ethics for Today and For the Future: Creating an A Online Practice! 3 CE Credits
Presenter: Sherrie L. Ludwick, LCPC, NCC, SEP
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Ethics, Digital Technology, and Telehealth Excellence, Webinar! 6 CE Credits
Presenter: Sherrie L. Ludwick, LCPC, NCC, SEP
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 6
Tags: DC Public Health Priorities
Cost: $99.99
Ethical Practice for Couples Therapy!
Presenter: Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin MS, LCPC
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Self-Disclosure: An Ethical Approach to “Knowing What to say, When to Say it, and How to Say it”
Presenter: Tonya Logan, LCSW-C, LICSW, Founder and CEO, Kayla’s Village
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
In the Client’s Voice: Developing Useful, Ethical Goals, and Measurable Objectives
Presenter: Charles Sender, LCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Ethical,Ethics,Goals,Objectives
Cost For Member: $19.99
Cost: $25.99
Ethics: Choosing Humility in Work with Diverse Populations (3 CE Credits - Ethics)
Presenter: Keisha Atlee, LCSW-C
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
RISK MANAGEMENT FOR RELIGIOUS CLINICIANS: Laws, Ethics and Standards of Observance
Presenter: Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 2
Cost: $19.99
Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Couples Therapy
Presenter: David Fox Ph.D
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Couples,Ethics,Legal
Cost: $29.99
Ethically Guided and Legally Compliant Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Patients: Legal Considerations in Assessment Practices
Presenter: Dr. David Fox Ph.D
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Couples,Ethics,Legal
Cost: $29.99
Ethically Guided and Legally Compliant Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Patients: Risk Management for Conscientious Clinicians: Self-Guidance in Understanding What Ethics Expect and Law Demands of You
Presenter: Dr. David Fox Ph.D
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Couples,Ethics,Legal
Cost: $29.99
Scope of Practice, Standard of Care and Standard of Profession: Three Pillars of Ethical Responsibility
Presenter: Dr. David Fox
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 1
Tags: Ethics
Cost: $29.99
In Times of Technology: Exploring Ethical Considerations of Technology, AI and Social Media Use
Presenter: Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Cost: $59.99
Ethically Guided and Legally Compliant Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Patients
Presenter: Dr. David Fox Ph.D, Dr. David Fox
Previously Recorded
CEs available: 3
Tags: Ethics,Legal
Cost: $85.99