Wanted to invite all to a unique conference designed to address this very issue on various levels. See the attached photo for the full program as well as the letter below.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a unique conference that will iy"H take place on November 23-24 at the Agudah Convention in Stamford, Connecticut. The overall goal of this conference is to clarify the intersection of Hashkafa, Halacha, and mental health in the course of our professional work. This conference will feature conversations between mental health professionals and Gedolei Torah on various topics to assist us in the process of obtaining greater clarity and to give us chizuk in our work. Examples of topics to be addressed include; Emunas Chachomim, working with clients struggling with SSA, OCD and Halacha, parenting/Chinuch, Yichud, and many similar topics. This conference is not to provide clinical training.
Please review the attached flyer (photo) containing the full program of the 2nd MHP conference to take place at the Agudah Convention. The various sessions will address different aspects of the overall goal, which is to clarify the intersection of Hashkafa, Halacha, and mental health in the course of our professional work. We appreciate the many who have already registered, and, B"H, still have a few of the planned slots still available. One can register via the following link:
Please feel free to share with us any suggestions or comments regarding this initiative.
Conference Steering committee,
Tali Arieff, LCSW
Dovid Becker, LCSW
Yitzi Horowitz, LCSW
Chaim Neuhoff, Ph.D.
Rivki Pelberg, LMSW
Ari Sorotzkin, LCSW
Miriam Turk, LCSW