The Gemara Tells of two incidents where there was such a drought that no new growing barley could be found for the Korban Omer. Each time, there was only one person who knew where to find fresh sprouting barley. Unfortunately, the person was mute and could only make motions with his hands. In each instance it was the Sage Pesachya, (who is otherwise known as Mordechai), who was able to decipher the hand motions and know where the barley was to be found.

The first location was known as Gagos Tzerifin, and the second location was known as Eyn Socher.

These two stories are ripe for allegorical interpretation. A drought can be a drought for Torah, which is symbolically represented as water. For example the verse in Amos (8:11) “Behold a time will come where I will send a famine upon the land. Not a hunger for bread or thirst for water, but for hearing the words of G-d.” 

The names of the locations are meaningful as well. Literally, they translate into “slanted roofs” and “stopped up wells”. It would seem that this was hinted that there was a barrier between Heaven and man, represented by the slanted roof, which we know deflects rain or other blessings flowing from Heaven, as well as a closed well representing a closed inner source of spirituality and wisdom.

It also is significant that a mute person was the one with all the answers. Often, when there is spiritual trouble, or I should say any kind of trouble in life, the answers lie in listening to those who do not usually have a voice. How often are we embroiled in family situations where we do not listen enough to those who find themselves unable to speak?

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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