Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses how great rabbis would personally tend to Shabbos preparations, even tasks that might be considered menial, to honor the sanctity of Shabbos:
Rav Yosef said: It is more fitting that the mitzvah be performed by the person himself than by means of his agent. For example, there is a story of Rav Safra, who would singe the head of an animal on Shabbos eve himself to prepare it for consumption on Shabbos. Similarly, Rava would salt a turbot fish himself to fulfill the mitzvah of preparing for Shabbos, although others could have done these tasks.
The Shalah (Aseres Hadibros, Shabbos, Ner Mitzvah 6-8) cites the Reishis Chochma, which mentions a custom of clearing the home of spiderwebs on Erev Shabbos. While this may seem like a simple act of tidying up, Reishis Chochma suggests that there is a mystical "secret" behind this custom. Shalah explains, the home symbolizes the abode of the divine majesty, known as "Malchus," and the spiderwebs represent disruptions and imperfections caused by unresolved sin. Why are these imperfections compared to webs in the corners of the house? I suggest that, relative to the majesty of God, any of our sinful behaviors are minor disruptions and imperfections, akin to dust in the corner.
This concept recalls a Chassidic interpretation of a well-known teaching recited in many synagogues every Friday night (Shabbos 12a):
"חייב אדם למשמש בגדיו ערב שבת עם חשיכה שמא ישכח ויצא"
"One is obligated to search his garments (bgadav) Friday night as it gets dark, lest he forget that he has objects in his pocket and carries on Shabbos."
In Hebrew, "beged" means clothing, but it shares its root with "boged," which means betrayal. This teaching suggests that on the verge of Shabbos, one should check their "betrayals," meaning they should review their actions from the week to ensure they haven't wronged anyone. If necessary, they should make amends, entering Shabbos in a state of purity and resolution. In Jungian dream analysis, clothing often symbolizes the persona, so it may also imply that one should examine their projected personality traits and qualities to enter Shabbos in an elevated state.
Ensuring that personal relationships are in a state of tranquility and resolution before entering Shabbos is vital to the spirit of the day. Just as with Shabbos preparations, this task cannot be delegated to others, and no aspect of it is beneath our dignity.
Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation
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Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, DHL is a psychotherapist who works with high conflict couples and families. He can be reached via email at simchafeuerman@gmail.com