NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
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Showing Results 1 - 12 (12 total)
Mind Body and Soul
Author: NEFESH Israel
NEFESH International Publications and Information
In My Mind (and on the couch)
Author: Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW, Mrs.
A Selection Of Articles, Musings, And Information Detailing The Struggles Of The Ordinary Person; A Celebration Of The Individual's Resilience To Overcome Challenges And Live Authentically.
Hegyon Libi
Author: Elisheva Liss,
Intimacy=In to me, see
Author: Talli Rosenbaum,
On love and marriage and the joys and challenges of intimacy.
Spotlight on the Expert
Author: David Brownstein, Dr.
Spotlight On The Expert is a series of interviews with expert Orthodox Jewish therapists. Its goal is to reduce stigma by helping those in the Orthodox Jewish community and beyond familiarize themselves with some of the most highly trained and experienced specialists in the field of psychotherapy.
Relationship and Dating Advice by Rabbi Reuven Boshnack LMHC and Shira Boshnack MSEd
Author: Reuven Boshnack, Rabbi
Psyched for Torah
Author: Mordechai Schiffman, Rabbi
As a practicing rabbi and a licensed psychologist, I believe that the wisdom and lessons from the Torah and the modern discoveries from the field of Psychology can be combined to create an ideal space for personal, communal and spiritual flourishing.
New Marijuana Regulations in New Jersey
Author: Barbara Ungar, Ms.
Pathways for Modern Times
Author: Michael Milgraum, Dr.
I offer psychological insights and understanding to help frum Jews navigate the complexities of 21st century life.
Welcome to My World
Author: Chavi Fink, Mrs.
Ideas in couple’s counseling
Author: Benny Gruen, Rabbi
Thoughts and ideas in couples counseling
Psycho-Spiritual Insights: Exploring Parasha and Psychology
Author: Elan Javanfard, Mr.
Clinical reflections on the Parasha through a psychotherapist lens. Using Artificial intelligence writing for defining clinical ideas and weekly Parasha study to cultivate thought provoking weekly insights.
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