NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
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Bar Mitzvah Handbook: Part 3
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
July 28th, 2017

(In our last post, we began to discuss the importance of connecting.   There was an understanding that we would not go into specifics, until – this – the next post. What follows is a conversation about connecting with Hashem.)   Whether you understand the story of Bereishit in its most literal sense – that everything started a little more than 5775 years ago – or whether you believe in things like the Big Ba …
Tags: Bar Mitzvah, connection, Divine
Bar Mitzvah Handbook: Part 2
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
July 20th, 2017

(In our first post, we started a conversation about the ways that you are leaving childhood behind, and that you are now thinking in more grown up ways.)   There are more factors that are broadening your horizons.  Your body, has either already started or will soon start to grow rapidly.  Your hips may get thinner and your shoulders will get broader.  Yet other changes will occur.  You will likely become interested in peo …
Tags: Bar Mitzvah, Choosing, Creating
Bar Mitzvah Handbook: Part 1
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
July 13th, 2017

This is for anyone who is about to become or who has recently become Bar Mitzvah.  Mazal Tov!  You are now an adult…well sort of.   You see, you may be counted toward a Minyan, you can read from the Torah and you can lead the Tefilot.  On the other hand, you can’t yet sell the family farm, or house, or any land for that matter.  You are also not yet fully a Bar Onshin.  This means that you will not …
Tags: Adolescent Development, Bar Mitzvah
Born to Run
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
December 16th, 2016

A few days ago, my youngest son celebrated his Bo Ba’yom – that is the very day of his becoming Bar Mitzvah.  His mother and I braved sub-zero wind chills, showed up at the Yeshiva he attends and joined him, his classmates and his Rebbeim.  There was a modest spread waiting for us.     One Rebbi asked me if I was planning to speak.  I noted that the printed protocol for these celebrations made no mention of pa …
Tags: Adolescent Development, Parenting, Bar Mitzvah
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